Week 7: AR Prototype

Augmented Reality Prototyping

The primary objective of this assignment is for you to design and prototype an Augmented Reality (AR) application that aligns with your unique vision. By leveraging principles of immersive AR design, user interaction, and human-centered concepts, you will create an experience that seamlessly blends digital elements with the real world. Playtesting will offer essential user feedback, allowing you to iterate on your rapid AR prototype and deliver an engaging and user-friendly AR application.

Meta Spark AR: Chapter 3

Spark AR Patch Editor

Unleashing creativity with the Patch Editor: ‘Hands-On Augmented Reality Development with Meta Spark Studio’ by Jaleh Afshar

Meta Spark AR: Chapter 2

Spark AR Interface

Navigating the interface: Exploring Chapter 2 of ‘Hands-On Augmented Reality Development with Meta Spark Studio’ by Jaleh Afshar

Instructor Certification in Extended Reality

Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Through Edstutia’s ICXR Program The ICXR program at Edstutia equips professionals with essential expertise to thrive in the dynamic XR landscape, which encompasses virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. Guided by a team of distinguished experts, this program delves into a spectrum of XR applications and focuses on fostering diversity, equity, […]

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